14 Months

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Holden Michael you are 14 months old! Where is time going?? You are growing up so fast and I love being able to spend every day with you! You have such a fun personality and so much fun to be around! Here is a little of what you are up to at 14 months:

You are wearing size 12-18 month clothes, size 3 diapers and size 5 shoes.. you are going to have huge feet just like your Daddy
You are a wonderful eater... most of the time... and eat pretty much everything. Your favorites right now are Nutri Grain Bars, lasagna, chicken nuggets, cheese quesadillas, mac and cheese, chicken, yogurt melts, bread and goldfish
You LOVE milk
We can't and don't go anywhere without paci and blankie. But now I only try to give you your paci when you are sleepin or in the car
You love to go and be in the car. You are such a good car baby and that is probably a good thing since we are in the car for 45 min twice a day if not more
STILL not one tooth is that sweet little mouth of your but hey they have to come in sometime.... 
You are standing by yourself a lot and can squat down and pick something up and stand back up with no help but aren't walking yet
You are a crazy fast crawler when you want something or see the gate at the bottom of the stairs is open
Your favorite things to watch right now are Elmo, Sesame Street, Barney and Ice Age.. I'm on a wiggles strike since you and Cam could watch them ALL day! HA!
Your Bff if Campbell and you have a love/ hate relationship with each other like brothers. One minute yall are fighting over something and the next playing so great together.
You are the happiest baby and have the best laugh ever
You have found your belly button within the past month and love to show it when anyone ask where it is
Honking noses is a fav
You are super funny. You LOVE phones and when ever one is left unattended you will pick it up and call whoever and act like you are talking with the phone to your ear
You talk all day long. Lots.
You are signing a ton!! Here in the past few weeks you have taken off signing more, all done, water and eat and if that doesn't work you love to just point at what you want

 Holden I know I have said this a million or more time to you but I love you so much. More than you will ever know and I feel sooo lucky that God choose Daddy and I to be your parents. We spend so much time just laughing and playing with you and I wouldn't change a thing in the world! I love you sweet boy!


1 comment:

Emily said...

Happy 14 months Holden!

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