Who's, who?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

So since Rylan was born, I have heard many different opinions on who he looks like. I get a lot of "Jack's clone" {which we got with Holden too- and yes Holden does look a LOT like Jack}But I have also had a lot of people tell me that Rylan looks like me. I do think he looks more like me than Holden did as a baby. For Rylan's first doctors appt, I dressed him in Holden's coming home outfit and took a pic of him just like one I have of Holden at almost the same age to the day.

So the question is can you tell whos who? : )

To me they look a lot alike but VERY different at the same time.

What do you think?? Can you tell which is Holden and which is Rylan?

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