Big day

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Yesterday was a big day around our house. Well maybe not that big but it was to me. Jack caught Holden's stomach bug and started getting sick Tuesday night. So I decided that yesterday it would be good to get Holden and Rylan out of the house to try and prevent this bug from getting to Rylan and I. Holden was seeming back to his normal self so I loaded the boys up by myself and off we went!

When you have the stomach bug in your home, you run out of a few very important items. So I went to Walmart to get what we needed, WITH both boys by myself! Big deal? Probably not but I have been on 24 hour mommy care to a newborn by myself since this whole sickness started and then when you add a two year old you get wore out super fast big time. I have a whole new appreciation for single moms!

Turns out Holden wasn't 100% yet so we just stayed at my moms house long enough for him to nap then headed back home. I am really hoping that the bug has stopped and Rylan and I don't get it now!

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