Hi! Well I am officially 17 weeks 3 days with this sweet baby boy. And instead of cleaning that horribly nasty mirror in my bathroom{IF ONLY I knew someone who could clean it for me because they clean glass all day hmmmm. FYI Jack installs glass/mirrors/windows stuff like that all day but at home getting him to clean them is like pulling teeth! HA!} I would rather fill you all in on what been going on this pregnancy.
I found out I was prego this time on May 21 after getting home from a graduation. I just thought I would take one ans see what happens since I wasn't late yet but just felt like I knew. I went of the pill in March and since it took us about 6 months to get pregnant with Holden I deff did not think I would be pregnant this fast this time! I called Jack up to see the test and I think we were both just totally in shock. Super happy just couldn't believe that it happened that fast. This was also the same day that "the world was going to end" HA! Crazy guy. We told a few people and before long a lot of people knew so we told more but didn't "officially" announce it until around mid- July.
I have been super tired this pregnancy and would love to sleep all the time but we all know with a one year old that isn't going to happen. {Like as I type this I hear that he has just emptied out the change jar in my bedroom-awesome} Not really any morning sickness as in hurling but just kinda gag-gy. I know TMI. I haven't really had any craving but could eat Mexican all the time. Baby is super low this time and I am now starting to feel him moving and groovin a whole lot more.
I really wish I had a name for him but I haven't really found the perfect fit yet. We have a ton that we go thru and about 5 we kinda are sticking around but just not completely sure just yet. I go back to the doctor in two weeks and I can't wait to see this sweet baby again!
I know this was way too much but wanted to get it all down. Now I must go clean up the mess that Holden is making since I can hear change flying across my room. Hey maybe that means he will make me a lot of it when he gets older? : )
1 comment:
Too sweet! Coop got his buddy a certain Toy Story treat today :) maybe it will keep them busy for more than 2.2 seconds.
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