This and That

Friday, December 2, 2011

 I can not believe that in TWO weeks from today this sweet little boy of mine will be TWO!! I can remember so clearly TWO years ago just waiting for him to get here and being so excited for his arrival. He has been the light of our lives for almost TWO years now and the best thing that has ever happened to Jack and I! Lately he has the funniest little personality and I just want to bottle it up and remember and keep it forever.

 I also can't believe that in less than TWO months we are going to have another little boy to share our love with! I think it still seems so unreal that God has blessed us with another boy! I always thought with Jack and I coming from families of almost all girls we would have girls but I can not even imagine not having these boys! 
It has been so much fun making all of this fun stuff for Rylan! When I was pregnant with Holden, I hadn't really gotten into sewing yet so my Mom made most of the stuff that I used like his bumpers, curtains and boppy cover stuff like that. And this time I am learning how to make everything and it is soo much fun!
A few weeks ago my biggest new sewing adventure was making a boppy cover for my boppy. SUPER easy, yes- installing a zipper on the back, something I had never done and was not as easy first go round with the fabric I has on the back. I REALLY want to make another one to have using different material so I can see how that works. Then maybe sell them on Holden's Hut : )

So here it is! Rylan's boppy cover with his name on it of course : )

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