
Monday, May 9, 2011

Hello my bloggy friends! I have missed you! I have been so super busy with work lately that by the time I get home it's time to get Holden dinner, bath and in bed and I am just exhausted. But I am slowly catching up on what has been going on with everyone! {Plus I have a virus on my computer that only lets me see blogs for a second before it closes them out--- working on getting that fixed ASAP!}

Also I am sure you have noticed that AWESOME new blog design that my amazing friend Kendra at Key Lime Blog Design made for me! Isn't it just amazing?? I just adore it! Unfortunately something happened and I lost my blog list. {Totally not a big deal since I needed to clean some of it up anyways} but I want to make sure I get my favs back and yours!

So if you read here often and have a blog PLEASE leave me your blog address so I can add it to my list! : )

Kendra you rock girl!! Y'all MUST go by and check out her awesome stuff HERE!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Love the new look - and Kendra's work! You know I want to keep track of all that Holden's up to, so feel free to add Asher and I to your list. :-)


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