Today I had a huge realization that my sweet, sweet Holden Michael is closer to being 3 than he is 2. He is growing up so fast and I can't believe I am already "pinning" away ideas for his birthday! I also realized that I want to remember every little thing at this age... So here is a few things that he is up to these days:
He knows and can recognize all of his colors, numbers, and letters. Still working on shapes.
Trains are still by far his favorite things to play with. Sigh. I may or may not be ready for a new addiction : )
His favorite movies are Charlie and the Chocolate Factory {and Willy Wonka}, Pinnochio, Cars and any train movie.
I love how he runs up with his arms wide open and wants a hug.
He is a Mama's boy but adores his daddy.
He LOVES his blankie!!
Every time Rylan wakes up in the am or from a nap he will say "Rywan wake up in the mornin." it's so cute
He loves playing outside! Water tables, bubbles and chalk are his fav
Every. Single. Time he sees a bus he breaks out singing The wheels on the bus. Love!
Best of all- he calls himself Holden Michael. Funniest and coolest thing ever!
We love you sweet Holden Michael!
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